FT about “Too Chinese to Fail” – according to the article the poor mainland Chinese investors are stuck with over $376bn of the agency long-term debt as of June 2007 and that represents less than 1/3 of the amount invested by foreign investors on this latest fiasco.
That means that the poor bastards (foreigners) are stuck with more than US$ 1.3 trillion dollars of Fannie and Freddie long-term debt as of June 2007.
If we deduct from that total the amount that China is holding then other foreigners still holding almost US$ 1 trillion dollars of Fannie and Freddie long-term debt and Russia is among the suckers that are holding that melting investment –
according to the US Treasury report Russia had US$ 75 billion of these Fannie and Freddie long-term debt.
Kudrin stawit sebe w zaslugu poluchenie % ot 75 mlrd $ investirowannix cennie bumagi Fannie & Freddie may agency (nedwizimost)
1. % po l/t debt nize chem pribil* ot rjada oboronnix predprijatij Rossii - 10% i wische
2. W sluschae ser*eznix trenij eti aktivi budut arestowanni prawitel*stwom USA
3. Klassischeskij finansist invesstiruet w zoloto i zolotodob. promischlennost*
(w Rossiii est*)
Tak krupnejschij bank UBS poterjal na finansirowanii nedwizimosti kurs akzij s 51.89(13 dec 2007) $ do20 $ 21.08.2008
bolee 100 mlrd $
Odnako po pozicijam zoloto ,platina i palladij (yprawljaet russkimi aktiwami) poluchil pribil*
USA nikogda ne prodawali zoloj zapas !
Stalin ymer ,ostawil 2048 tonn zolota ,kotorie xranilis* w Rosii
Etot rekord ne bil prewzojden pozse
Sejtschas den*gi est* ,ekonomika strani samodostatochnaja ( Kak i USA w 60 xoroscho ros GDP
pri otnoschenii wneschnej torgowli k GDP 5-6%$) , no gosreservi
1. Za rubezom w cennix bumagax ,pod kontrolem potencial*nnogo protiwnika i pod nizkij %
2. Zolotix zapasow sopostawimix s zapasami Stalina net ... Rossijskaja platina i palladij pod kontrolem Swejzarskix bankow